Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Break 2010

Kyle and I traveled to Kansas to see two of our good friends. Kristie Adams and Aaron Burns live in Wichita Kansas, but we met them at "Wah-Shah-She Girl Scout Camp". I met Kristie Adams three summers ago, since then we recruted two people by the names of Kyle Israel, and Aaron Burns.

Kyle was a friend of mine from college that needed a summer job. I had no idea that he would soon be my boyfriend. Aaron Burns is Kristie's cousin. We told them that they would be great friends and I guess we were right because they are now best friends.

We went to Kristie's house on the thursday before Easter and returned to our college on Easter day. We had a great time!

The first thing that we did when Kyle and I arrived was go to a haunted bridge. The story is that this women named Thearosa (Thee-uh-roe-suh). The story goes, that Thearosa had a baby and it was kidnapped and thrown over the bridge. Grieving so much Thearosa killed herself and jumped off of the same bridge that her baby had been thrown over.

The reason that it is said to be haunted is because the bridge since then, 1800's, has burnt down. Everytime they try to rebuild the bridge, it burns to the ground. The last bridge that was built was in the 1970's. Since then a new bridge has been built a little ways away from the old, original bridge.

Aaron, Kyle, Kristie, and I decided to go look for it. Oh! Did I mention that it was lightning, thundering, and at 11:00pm?

The wind was blowing so hard that sometimes I could not keep my balance. On the way to find the bridge the weeds were taller than I am, wich is 5'3.

We were unsuccesful in our search. We did not find the old post's of the bridge that had burned.

We did have some strange occurances. There was a clearing in the woods that we thought might be the spot and for some reason the wind that was blowing me off balance stopped. It was several degrees warmer than it was on the rest of the trail that we made.

In that spot Kristie's phone began to ring. Every time she answered there was no one on the other end. When we had gotten back to the car Kristie asked if her cousin had called her. Her cousin showed Kristie that she had not called her. Her phone was on the lock screen that would not let you type of push any buttons.

Although we did not find the bridge it was a thrill!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back So Soon

So, I am back at school after my spring break.

My mom, my friend Rhonda, and i travelled five hours to Robber's Cave State Park. While we were there, Rhonda and I went hiking on the trails and cliffs. the weather was beautiful, and the lack of homework was highly appreciated.

We returned on Friday, and the wiind began to roll in. The cooler temperatures began to drop, as the rain started falling. In the next few hours the rain turned into snow. Two days before, the temperature was 74 degrees.

Eight inches of snow later, I began thinking that maybe I would get a snow day out of this. I was sadly mistaken. It melted just enough that I was able to make it back to my college. Although I was thrilled to see my boyfriend kyle again, I was not ready for the continuous amount of homework and tests.

It is the first Wednesday back to school and instead of doing something actually productive, I am writing this blog.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


As of today I am twenty years old. I have gotten many texts, cards, wall posts, and gifts already and the day just started.

Tonight my mom is coming up to my school so that we can have dinner with some of my closest friends. After dinner around nine or so we are having a party! We are playing games such as spoons, Uno, charades, eating way too many sweets and watching a movie. Yay! It will be a lot of fun!

This may sound bad but when I think of my birthdays I do not remember the gifts that I received from my friends and family. I remember the great time that we had while celebrating!

One of my friends asked my boyfriend if gifts were expected for the party tonight. When I saw the text it just dawned on me that I have never expected gifts for my birthday other than from my mom. I would much rather my friends getting together and having fun. Sometimes that is the ultimate gift you can give.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Appreciate the good times

So this past week Hillary lost her grandpa.

Sometimes you think you may have it bad and that is when God really puts things into perspective. I have been sick for the past month, and I thought the school work would never end.

College is hard. We all stress about things that we have to do and get turned in, whether it is work or school, I do not think that should overshadow the good times that we can have.

I am not saying that we all need to procastinate and stop doing our jobs that we need to do. I am simply saying that we should take more time and enjoy small things in life.

That is all I have to say for now.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Weirdest Friends You'll Ever Meet

Well by now I am getting comfortable at where I am at and who people are. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would be friends with some of my closest friends at college. Freshman year for the majority of the time, I hung out with three other amazing girls and for starters I had nothing in common with.
For example, I am a country girl, who likes big trucks, hiking, and football, and most of the time fairly punctual.
Carly, is my roommate, is a dancer, a communications major, always late, and one of my closest friends
Hillary, is a history major, likes rap music, is attracted to guys with pants that do not fit, and wants her full time job to be a mom.
Ashley, is a gymnast, a nursing major, likes to go dancing, shopping, decorating, and just have fun.
If you were to put any two people together as friends it would be Carly and Ashley. They are the most similar. But you would be mistaken. Hillary and Ashley are best friends, and Carly and I have become extremely close. I guess that’s what you get for thinking.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A trip to Braums

Carly, which is my roomate, Jessica, which is one of my friends, decided that our lives would be much better if we had ice cream in our stomachs that night. While getting ready to go to Braums we decided to take my vehicle. As we walked closer to my vehicle the girls had noticed something. I own a truck. The two girls were surprised that I did not own a car. Jessica made the comment that "wow you must be a country girl". Apparently girls who have trucks are unusual.
In my high school parking lot the majority of vehicles were trucks. We did occasionally have a couple of cars and horses.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Few Days of College Life

I first arrived at my new school and was immediately greeted by the president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University. The days went by and I was becoming better acquainted with my new surroundings and new peers. Living only an hour away I assumed that people would be just 'regular people'. I was mistaken. My college is an hour away from my hometown. It was not like I lived in a different state or country but many times it was a culture shock to meet so many new people from so many different places.

While meeting many different people it slowly occured to me that everyone is not like the people that I grew up with at home. For example, one day in the girls dorm we were discussing our class rings. Many had theirs on and were showing them off. I looked down at my hand in sympathy. One of the girls asked where mine was. She had the stragest look on her face when I told her that I lost mine in a feild while I was turkey hunting. I believe they thought I was making a joke. It was then that I realized that I am a 'country hick'. Until that mooment I beleived that it was normal for girls to go hunting. I guess I was wrong.